The parents, teachers and students strongly endorse the wearing of the correct school uniform as a means of encouraging a sense of pride within the school community and the personal appearance of the students. Those inappropriately attired should obtain a note from home and present this note to their roll call teacher. Wearing inappropriate uniform will result in contact with parents. Some loan uniforms are available for students who are not in correct uniform.
Recently, Whitebridge High School has undergone a review of the existing school uniform supply and range. As a result of this review, and after meeting with a number of suppliers, we can confirm that Whitebridge High School has selected Alinta Apparel to manufacture and supply the uniforms from the commencement of 2020.
Based on the Central Coast, Alinta Apparel is one of Australia’s largest uniform manufacturers and retailers. Alinta brings a proven history of quality, consistency and overall service with a number of local schools such as Cardiff High and Newcastle High.
We have worked with Alinta on a new and improved quality range of uniforms that expand on the current offering. This consultation has involved members of staff, the P&C and selected students.
New Shop Location and Shop Hours
We have selected a uniform fitting room and online uniform shop model for Whitebridge High School. This is partly due to the limited space at the school for a fully functional shop and changing consumer retail habits.
The advantage of this model is that it allows flexibility and access of a uniform range for sizing every school day and has ordering flexibility of online, email or phone ordering. Uniform orders will be delivered to the school at least twice a school week and more in peak periods.
To view the Alinta website visit
We are very excited about this new school initiative and improved quality and range. We are confident that families will be delighted with the new products and services.
For any questions please email Alinta at
Uniform pricing and informtion sheet
Fitting Information
Alinta organises a a couple of fitting days throughout November and December for families to try on uniforms at the school.
Families who are unable to book in for one of these fitting times can visit the school office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 3pm - 4pm to try on uniforms.