Whitebridge High School

Whitebridge Community of Schools - Working Together.

Telephone02 4943 3966


Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office is completely free for NSW school students. Follow the steps below to install it on either Mac or PC.

  1. Go to https://www.office.com/
  2. If it is already signed in as someone else, choose Switch to a different account. 
  3. Click Sign in.
  4. Enter your Department of Education email address – the one that ends in @education.nsw.gov.au. This is important or it won't be free.
  5. You will be redirected to the Department of Education login page. Log in.
  6. Click Yes to stay signed in. Your Office 365 page will open.
  7. Click Install Office and choose Other Installation Options.
  8. The installation page will open. Click Install.
  9. An executable file will be downloaded to your computer.
  10. Follow the prompts to complete the installation.
  11. Once Microsoft Office has finished installing, open up one of the applications and accept the license agreement.