'Bring your own device' or BYOD delivers the benefits of one-to-one access to technology facilitating more personalised student centred learning creating engaged and motivated self-directed learners.The department provides network access in all schools as well as learning tools such as Microsoft Office 365, G Suite for Education and Adobe Creative Suite. A BYOD environment enables individual use of these tools to support collaborative and independent learning in classes.
Research and case studies suggest student BYOD increases students' care and responsibility in looking after and using devices, and enthusiastic learning and engagement.
Whitebridge High School supports students to participate in the “Bring Your Own Device” or BYOD program for the purpose of teaching and learning. In the interest of student health and safety the school adheres to safe screen size and usage times. The minimum screen size recommended for a tablet device is 7.9 inches. Laptops or tablets with a keyboard are the preferred option for BYOD at Whitebridge High School.
Whitebridge High School BYOD Policy
The term "device" in these procedures refers to any personal mobile electronic device with the capability to connect to the department’s Wi-Fi network and meets the minimum standards outlined by the school.
Students may bring their own devices to school and may access the department’s Wi-Fi network.
Use of devices at school is governed by school developed guidelines, processes and procedures.
The department will provide internet access through its wireless networks at no cost to students enrolled in NSW Public at DoE sites.
Students are responsible for the care and maintenance of their devices including data protection and battery charging.
The Department and Whitebridge High School will not accept any liability for the theft, damage or loss of any student’s device. Students who bring their own devices onto school sites do so at their own risk.
Whitebridge High School will not provide hardware or technical support for devices.
Students who bring their own devices for use in the school environment must accept that where the school has reasonable grounds to suspect that a device contains data which breaches the school wellbeing policy, they may confiscate the device for the purpose of confirming the existence of the material. Depending on the nature of the material involved, further action may be taken including referral to the police. School disciplinary action may also be appropriate.
Use of BYOD devices in lessons is determined by the classroom teacher. Students are required to follow all teacher instructions re the use of BYOD devices.
Whilst we actively encourage students to engage with BYOD, thereis no mandatory requirement for students to bring their own devices to school for educational purposes. If a class is making useof electronic devices for a lesson the students will be given the option of using either school supplied devices or their own suitable device for that lesson.
Apple Family Funded Program
Whitebridge High School has enrolled in the Apple family funded program. This program allows students and families to purchase a variety of different items from Apple with an education discount.
The school's participation in this program is not an endorsement or recommendation of any products and services offered by Apple.
Access the Apple Family Funded Program Portal
Further Information:
The NSW Department of Education Student use of digital devices and online services policy can be found at: